Scott Dikkers
NEAL Pasricha
So much AWESOMENESS that you'll eventually gag...
5 Stars???
I read this book the first time while on a short haul flight. I think I made it 200 pages in. My first impression: cute, at times. I had no urge to finish the book. I put it away for 2 years.
I have recently instituted a policy on my reading list: Regardless of whether I'm enjoying my reading experience. I must finish every book I start reading. I was spared once when I was struggling to consume a book I was beginning to hate when my car was broken into and the book I was despising was stolen.
Anyway, I had just finished reading the worst book I have ever read — I needed to lift my reading spirits. So, I gave AWESOME another go. It’s easy to read, a plus, I guess. I made it 200-pages in when the AWESOMENESS was making me gag. Don’t get me wrong: I like the uplifting titles to every AWESOME THING — but after the hundredth one — gag me with a spoon, a large spoon. I found the descriptions to be annoying. Reading a second time made me realize why it took me 2-years to pick it up again: the book left zero impression on me. I had no recollection of any part of it I had read 2-years-prior.
When I finished reading I felt as if I had read nothing. I didn’t feel happier. I didn’t see the world for anymore than it is. I didn’t feel a need to share (except for my thoughts here). I did kick my cat though. NOT TRUE... the cat kicking part... I'm sure you understood that... I will stop typing this sentence, if you can call it a sentence: NOW.
I am amazed there are more AWESOME Books... I’m just not so sure if the AWESOME books are the ones I’m talking about.
Am I a bad person for not finding this book AWESOME?
Don't worry, I'm not suffering from depression... and that's AWESOME!
I have recently instituted a policy on my reading list: Regardless of whether I'm enjoying my reading experience. I must finish every book I start reading. I was spared once when I was struggling to consume a book I was beginning to hate when my car was broken into and the book I was despising was stolen.
Anyway, I had just finished reading the worst book I have ever read — I needed to lift my reading spirits. So, I gave AWESOME another go. It’s easy to read, a plus, I guess. I made it 200-pages in when the AWESOMENESS was making me gag. Don’t get me wrong: I like the uplifting titles to every AWESOME THING — but after the hundredth one — gag me with a spoon, a large spoon. I found the descriptions to be annoying. Reading a second time made me realize why it took me 2-years to pick it up again: the book left zero impression on me. I had no recollection of any part of it I had read 2-years-prior.
When I finished reading I felt as if I had read nothing. I didn’t feel happier. I didn’t see the world for anymore than it is. I didn’t feel a need to share (except for my thoughts here). I did kick my cat though. NOT TRUE... the cat kicking part... I'm sure you understood that... I will stop typing this sentence, if you can call it a sentence: NOW.
I am amazed there are more AWESOME Books... I’m just not so sure if the AWESOME books are the ones I’m talking about.
Am I a bad person for not finding this book AWESOME?
Don't worry, I'm not suffering from depression... and that's AWESOME!
Every page read - just like last (1-STAR)
I am giving Pride and Prejudice 5-Stars. Why?
It's a classic - and classics deserve 5.
In reality: I couldn't finish it. It probably is wonderfully written - with brilliant prose - probably.
With each flipped page, my head entered into a fog, the words, didn't fly off the page for me, they lay on the page and as soon as I consumed them - they drifted away. 75 pages in I quit - I had hoped the book would've been stolen sparing me not finishing a book for the first time; but, unfortunately, thieves passed it by, forcing me to make the decision to stop.
A sense of relief came over me when I did, a freeing moment.
Maybe it's a great book, it just isn't for me.
It's a classic - and classics deserve 5.
In reality: I couldn't finish it. It probably is wonderfully written - with brilliant prose - probably.
With each flipped page, my head entered into a fog, the words, didn't fly off the page for me, they lay on the page and as soon as I consumed them - they drifted away. 75 pages in I quit - I had hoped the book would've been stolen sparing me not finishing a book for the first time; but, unfortunately, thieves passed it by, forcing me to make the decision to stop.
A sense of relief came over me when I did, a freeing moment.
Maybe it's a great book, it just isn't for me.